"Jimmy Ausbrooks is from Franklin, Kentucky, born and raised in Simpson County.. He was raised in a lower-middle class family. His family consist of hardworking farmers and factory workers. His grandfathers were farmer providing for their families and his grandmother Mamie was a factory worker after her husband became ill.
Jimmy spent most of his childhood with his grandparents that taught him the value of hard work, "if you have a task to do, do it well". Jimmy''s uncles are both farmers and retired factory workers. His mother is still working in a factory 40 hours a week and makes less than $10.00 per hour and his brothers are raising their children by working in factories providing general labor.
Jimmy is a diverse man that comes to the race with sincerity and strong work ethics. Before becoming a mental health counselor he worked in sales and customer service throughout the country in various roles and but has always been lead to return home to his family. He values family and the importance of hard work.
He has owned his own business and has empathy for the small business owner's struggles and their plights. Owning a small business is more challenging today than ever before. He recognizes their concerns wants to address tax reforms to help support small business.
Common Sense Gun Legislation
Jimmy Ausbrooks supports the 2nd Amendment, he believes that Americans have a constitutional right to own guns. He grew up in rural Kentucky where it is almost second nature to hunt. He would never take away a personal desire or need to hunt and defend their home or families. He will however; stand up to anyone that thinks they need a semi-automatic weapon or weapon of war to either defend themselves or go hunting. Certain weapons are best left in the hands of our military and not civilians. To many lives are lost daily and school shootings, massacres in churches, mosques, and synagogues should have never become the norm of our evening news. Families should not fear going to Wal-Mart or a shopping mall.
"I cannot turn on my television without hearing about another shooting, whether it is my local news or national news program. The deaths of innocent hardworking men and women are hard enough to hear about, but the loss of the innocent children dying by gun violence outrages me". Jimmy will support legislation that bans certain automatic weapons and weapons of war, he will stand up to the NRA, gun manufacturers, and law makers in Washington. He will hold them accountable for the senseless losses of lives in our country. He also wants to call out the Congress and its members that have did little to nothing to bring about common sense gun legislation, because they to are responsible for all the innocent lives lost too, the blood is on their hands as much if not more than the shooters. Millions of Americans have stood up, children have protested, bipartisan bills have been past in the House, yet Mitch McConnell and the Administration continue to defy the will of the American people and continues to jeopardize innocent lives.
Jimmy graduated from Oneida Baptist Institute (private religious boarding school in eastern Kentucky) and later went on to earn his Bachelor of Arts degree in Government from Western Kentucky University and then obtained his Master of Education in Counseling and Human Development from Lindsey Wilson College. He values education. He has also incurred nearly $200K in student loans and acknowledges this debt is overwhelmed at times working in a field that on average makes $35-40K a year in Kentucky.
He supports free education, fully funded K-12th grade and hot meals for our children. He believes in higher education and values training and will support free community college and public colleges and universities tuition free. He also supports the forgiveness of student loan debt so individuals can save for their future and focus on striving verses stressing over years of paying off student loan debt. He admits that he bought into the dream of getting your education at all cost and it will be rewarded. The truth is students and their families struggle constantly with overwhelming student loan debt and often it effects their long term credit goals while colleges, universities, and banks profit off the backs of students and their families.
Jimmy Ausbrooks supports a woman's right to govern her own body and her right to reproductive privacy and choices. He values the independent choices of women to do what is right for her. He is quoted as saying, "the day others start demanding our rights we have no rights". He also stated, "women have the greatest honor in becoming mothers and deserve to chose that honor for themselves". He acknowledges this fight has persisted for decades and it saddens him that other men feel that they have any right to govern another person's body and control their reproductive choices. He will support legislation to for once and for all end the discrimination against a woman's right to govern her own body.
Jimmy Ausbrooks supports a universal healthcare system for all. He will support healthcare reform and expansion of services. He believes that our healthcare system should provide quality care to all Americans regardless of their socioeconomic status. Healthcare should be a human right and never a privilege. He believes strongly that mental healthcare services and substance abuse treatment should be an included focus in our healthcare reform and restructuring. Whether it is an expansion of Obama Care or Medicare for all, or Medicare for all that want it, He will fight for the most inclusive and best economic program to meet the needs of the American people. He is committee to fighting for the best option for the majority and the minority. He feels that the time for doing nothing and allowing insurance companies to dictate the American people is over and he feels the same way about big pharmaceutical companies. He feels very passionately that prescription care for life saving treatment should be $0 cost. He would like all prescription medications to have a $0 cost. He stated, "their is no reason that men, women and children have to die because they cannot afford their medications".
Jimmy Ausbrooks recognizes their is a global climate crisis and he is committed to fight for initiatives that will protect our planet for generations to come. He supports re-engaging in the Paris Climate Accord, he supports environmental protections reforms and global restrictions. "Green/Renewable energy is the future". He believes that green and renewable energy resources can and should be utilized. He was to bring new technology to Kentucky and jobs.
He feels that it is important to bring the fossil fuel industry leaders, green and renewable energy industry leaders ,and government leadership to the table and seek both solutions to address climate change and proved opportunities for jobs and sustainable growth in our economy. Kentucky is a coal mining state, has friends who's families are in the mining industry and recognizes that financially they are and have been dependent on coal and the coal industry. He also recognizes that these same individuals could apply their skills and utilize their experience working in green/renewable energy jobs. He stated "transitions are always initially difficult, but it can be done, and in making the transition from fossil fuels to green/renewable green energy we are securing the future of not only the communities in which we live, but lives of our children for generations to come".
Jimmy Ausbrooks advocates for diversity, as a openly gay man he understand and empathizes with the LGBTQ+ community's plight of decriminalization and hate. He recognizes the lack of acceptance and tolerance in this nation as a true issue and will support legislation to effectively supportive the civil rights agenda and protections under the law. He firmly believes in equality and will fight for equality. No person should be denied jobs, housing, or the ability to foster and adopt a child in need based on their gender identity, or sex orientation.
He also understands that diversity reaches far beyond sexual orientation and gender identity. He recognizes that individuals of color are discriminated against in higher numbers today under the current administration than it has in his lifetime. The continued white nationalist propaganda is fueling hate crimes and it continues to threaten lives. We need to make a stand and celebrate inclusion and diversity, not hate and violence.
He recognizes immigration and its contribution to this country. America is a country build my immigrants and we are all decedents of an immigrant. He knows that his ancestors migrated to this country pre-revolutionary war. His family tree includes a member of the son's of liberty. His ancestor fought for a new government and helped set into motion our American Independence and the fundamental foundation of this country. He not only supports immigration reform, but refuses to penalize the hardworking individuals and their families trying to make a better life for themselves. He welcomes DREAMS, and work in diligently to grant these men and women full citizenship, not just a pathway to citizenship.
Living Wages
Jimmy Ausbrooks is an advocates for living wages and an increase in the minimum wage. In 2010, the minimum wage was $7.25 per hour. Today, in 2020 the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. This is not right nor far. The cost of living has continued to rise, but not our pay, we the United States Congress continues to give themselves raises. It is time for "We the people..." to have our wage incentives and a real minimum wage.
He supports an effective wage increases because it is person. Jimmy knows how it feels growing up poor in a lower middle class family. Being a latch key kid because his parents and grandparents had to work. He knows how living paycheck to paycheck feels and recognizing missing one paycheck can cost you everything, food on your table, cloths on your children's back, life saving medications, a roof over your head. He also understands that his mother who is old enough to retire is working 40 hour weeks in a factory making less than $9.00 per hour. A living wage is very personal to Jimmy and Jimmy knows it is very real and personal to millions of Americans.